Corporate Forensics, Personal Injury Forensics, and Divorce Forensics in San Francisco, CA

We hear about a business restructuring from time to time, a business going through bankruptcy or high-profile divorces. These are not easy open-and-shut cases and many of them require specialized assistance that can include corporate forensics, bank statement analysis, video forensics, and more. Our team at Sugarman & Company has spent the last 50 years providing these specialized services in a wide range of industries as well as with attorneys for defendants as well as plaintiffs. Learn how we can help your case by contacting us today and putting our experience to work for you.

Business Forensics, Business Separations/Divorce, and Business Litigation Support in San Francisco, CA

There are many different aspects to business issues that can require a third party to verify specific facts in a case. How can a business show that they lost profits? It can be important to a case to illustrate and explain the cash flow analyses to determine if bankruptcy is a viable option. We have also helped with turnaround situations where the business just needed a different party to review things and develop a plan back to solvency.

Personal Injury Forensics for Accidents and Slip and Fall Cases in San Francisco

Video footage from security cameras, doorbell cameras, cell phones, and other sources can provide great information – if you can see it. This is where video forensics comes into play, and it can have a great impact on personal injury cases. Lawsuits claiming an accident happened or a slip and fall case in a retail store can be difficult to sort out unless there is video footage that can clearly show what happened. Our team has years of experience with personal injury forensics.

Divorce Audio and Video Forensics in San Francisco, California

Financial forensics including analyzing bank statements, tax forms, and more can be important evidence in a case. The same can be done for divorce proceedings, and in some cases, background investigations are required, as are the forensic approach to audio and video files to provide important evidence and details.

Contact Sugarman & Company today!

As the home to many corporations, Sugarman & Company has worked in San Francisco for many years. During the dot-com boom of the late 1990s, startup companies invigorated the San Francisco economy. San Francisco had a period of time where it was starting to build skyscrapers and began to look like Manhattan. Buildings like the Transamerica Pyramid, Salesforce Tower, and others reached new heights. When you are looking for experts in forensic accounting, being an expert witness, and more, contact our team to learn more.